Posts & Resources

119 Fitness Facts

These days a remarkable amount of information can be found right at your fingertips. It can be an overwhelming task deciding where to invest your time and attention. To simplify things, here is a short list of things relating to exercise, recovery and life in general that have experientially and evidentially proven to be helpful. [...]

The Deload

Nine Training Considerations for Females

One of the more welcome trends around mainstream gym use in recent times has been the closing gap in gender participation rates, and a rising surge of females moving towards strength training to support their aesthetic, athletic, and health endeavours. While on the surface there don’t appear to be many training approach differences, we have [...]

Why We Don’t Do ‘Girl Push Ups’ and What We Do Instead

Main Points: 1. The push up is not only a foundational upper body strength exercise, it is also a dynamic core stability exercise. 2. If you cannot perform full-length push ups, there are better alternatives than the kneeling push up that are safer and have a much higher return. 3. Appropriate exercise selection + consistently [...]

Bookmarked 3: Charlie Weingroff, Danny Camargo and Mike Boyle on the FMS, Developing a High Performance Program, All Things Olympic Lifting and Coaching Kids

Highly recommended viewing from three of the best Coaches in the world. CVASPS Podcast-Episode 67: Charlie Weingroff, A Case For The Functional Movement Screen Never have I heard a more reasoned position for using the Functional Movement Screen. quote: ''There is value in understanding if the joints of the body, can get into the ideal [...]